Finding the Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow

Finding the Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow

Dearest friends, From the end of March until now I have been immersed in a profound and stormy re-engagement with life. I don’t remember the last time I had so much to learn in such a short time. It has felt profoundly humbling in every possible way. I have seen...
When The World Turns Upside Down

When The World Turns Upside Down

What surprises me most are human beings. They sacrifice their health in order to make money and then they sacrifice money in order to recuperate their health. And then they are so anxious about the future that they don’t enjoy the present. The result being, they don’t...
The Earth Speaks in Silence

The Earth Speaks in Silence

Dearest friends, After an incredible and memorable visit from Father Charles Ogada (which many of you were involved in and generously volunteered your services for!) followed by an equally amazing week at the Parliament of World Religions, I’ve found myself ready to...

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